My Blog

Explorer and time traveler. A Washington native, Cynthia Freese was the Co- founder of Evergreen Events Inc, which was dedicated to the enrichment of the games industry through innovative, high-quality conferences that were both informative as well as connective. While running Evergreen Events Cynthia had a strong commitment to enriching the community where she did business as well as organized educational programs that encourage children to have a strong interest in advanced technology and the video game industry. A dynamic net worker who loves meeting people and helping others, she exemplifies the mission of making connections happen. A mother of three, she is army veteran ,entrepreneur, artist, storyteller who believes in sharing and giving back to her community. 

Time Traveler – Explorer -Storyteller – Entrepreneur, Lover of Life & Sunrises!

2/14-19 inside my first homemade igloo

My time as a metal artist: Finding things that others toss aside, is where the game starts. I love the challenge to use what I find to create something entirely different. For me creating art is about being able to feel free to be spontaneous. However, my  personal favorite  pieces are works  that I have  been commissioned to make. Those opportunities push me as an artist forcing me to meet requirements and to challenge myself.

My art works have been sold to patrons in Oregon, Idaho,Montana,Texas,California, DC, Arizona ,Washington, VA, New Mexico, Idaho, Montana, Florida, Canada , China and the UK.

Over the past few years I created a few different series: Light from War Faces from Childhood DreamsShovels and Spades, and Runaway Paint Brushes,  Junk Yard Art and recently, Flocks of  Rocks and  Birds of a Feather as well as a variety of custom  gates.

Currently Cynthia spends her time as a late night tour guide and light dancer for out of town photographers. Dancing with light under the moonlight and sharing her passion for the outdoors while continuing to serve on the City of Issaquah’s art commission.

Photo by artist Rob Bulter of RJB Photography

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” Thomas Merton

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