Today’s thought for the Survival of the Interesting

I  don’t know how things are at your  house  but at our  house I have  found that some of the smallest  changes can  create an uproar. We are after all creatures of habit. My little habit is moving things around. If I had my way our house and yard and everything inside the  house would be on wheels.

When dining at home do you sit in the same spot for meals? We seem to have imaginary name tags on the furniture at our house.  I try to get people to sit in different spots by moving the furniture around which usually causes some stress and tension. Even at home we can become a bit territorial.

We all deal or cope with change in our own ways.  I love to mix things up. I find most changes to be inspiring. This has not always been the case! In the old days I used to freak out whenever I had to install or download a new version of the email client I was using. My saying Technology has not always been my friend, is a true understatement!

When we moved our family from Washington to Texas our children complained and belly ached for years about how horrible the move was and how much better our old house was, they missed the friends they  left behind and they were never going to make new friends.  When we finally moved back to Washington they belly ached again about how wonderful the house was in Texas and how much they were going to miss the friends they were leaving behind. Yes, the bed rooms were bigger in Texas but hell everyone knows that everything is bigger in Texas!

Moving is one of those things that can be hard on a family of any  size. Moving my little flock from Issaquah to Seattle was even a bit stressful. After all I had to figure out how to squeeze 13 birds into the  back of a pick up  truck without getting all their  feathers ruffled.

My friends at the Issaquah Press  are not moving  far  but I am certain that many are  likely feeling some stress.  

New office space means new surroundings , establishing new areas for  personal space.  For a team of dedicated individuals it’s still  going to take a ton of  cooperation  and compromise and all this can take a while to get used too. I am hoping the team has a smooth transition as anyone who has ever moved knows that it’s not a lot of fun.

How do you adapt to changes in your life?



One thought on “Today’s thought for the Survival of the Interesting

  1. You’re right. I’s not always easy to say goodbye to the old and hello to the unknown but change is enevitable (we can’t change that:D) and so as life has taught me, “put your best foot forward, wear your best smile and embrace the change for all that it’s worth” knowing that what you put into it you shall receive out of it.

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