Summer time is usually my most productive time of year for creating art. This summer in early July I had a welding accident. I was working on getting a piece finished for a art show and caught myself on fire. After 7 hours in the ER I was sent home with third degree burns from my lower belly to just below my breasts.
It had been a year since I started working on the owner of the building to let me rent a portion of his shop. I got my keys in May and power for the welder and plasma cutter in June.Finally my own work shop! I was getting settled in and I was excited to have my own space to create! .
After the accident I was not certain I would do welding any more, I would go to the shop each week and move things around and with each visit I could feel my blood pressure rise and the stress and tension in my neck and shoulders would triple.
Yesterday I went to the shop with the intention to work. I cleaned and moved things around for 3 hours.I had lunch , talked to my neighbor about what he was working on. When my neighbor asked me if I was ready to get back in the saddle. I told him I was thinking about giving it a go. After organizing a shelf of paint cans I put on my apron, tied back my hair and put my welding helmet on my head. I set up a project to work on, turned on the welder and then my phone rang! I was so relieved, I turned everything off and went and sat on the tailgate of my pickup to chat with a friend. I now know how it feels to be saved by the bell!
After my phone conversation I went to my welder without hesitation turned it on and got back to work.
This photo was taken a year ago by CDStuder. I am currently working on a new bird and yesterday I started adding the wire feathers. I am starting at the bottom of the bird this time. 😉
I am thankful for the phone call as it distracted me just enough to allow me to not hesitate or let fear and stress keep me from getting back to work.