My mom was a child herself when she became a parent, having me when she was 16 years old and by the time she reached 21 I had two sisters. It was not until I became a parent myself that I was really aware of the struggles one faces. My mom died before she turned 40 so I guess I am lucky she started young.
Parenting is a tough full time job when you have two parents. I really don’t know how some single parents manage to do such an awesome job!
Young moms on public assistance trying to make ends meet , wanting the best for their children yet feeling trapped in a system where no one cares. Frustration, depression , low self esteem, hungry , tired , over worked at the minimum wage under the table jobs, suicide attempts , hating life, yet masking the pain. These are the things that so many children see.
Life is not fair. It is hard work to ensure that our experiences empower us and not cripple us . From a distance It may seem like some have better luck in life but you never really know the pain and suffering that someone is coping with on the inside. Some folks just have better masks.