You are invited to a fun event at Columbia Winery on January 9th, 2014 from 4-7 PM.
Category Archives: thoughts
G2 The Blue Goose
This past September Goose Ridge winery challenged me to make a couple geese. After dropping the first one off my husband challenged me to come up with something completely different for Goose 2
Here is Goose 2 which I have named after my friend Denny who also provided me with hundreds of forks to use for this project. The head is spoons and the bottom is an old saw blade cut to fit.
Falling for you.
Save the date!
Scarves and Horse shoes
Veterans day hike
As a member of the local American Legion yesterday I went out to the Tahoma National Cemetery to honor our fallen soldiers.While there I also took a moment to sit and think about my dear life long friend Robert Larson as well as other friends who have left me.
Today Veterans Day 2014 , my good friend Ken Vensel, hiker, photographer , mountain tour guide, invited me on a hike. Ken likes to take photos of waterfalls and mountains and all kinds of other stuff. We usually do most of our hikes under the light of the full moon. We have done today’s hike many times but always on snow shoes. It was fun to see what things look like without 12 feet of snow on the ground. It was an amazing day for a hike as the sky was clear ( not so great for the guy with the camera) the temperatures were in the low 20’sF ( not so great for the girl in yoga paints and no gloves).It was obvious to us both today that winter is here, even though just last week the temperatures were in the high 60’sF. We hiked the Common Wealth Basin Trail which is also part of the Old Pacific Crest Trail. I counted at least 20 plus waterfalls during our hike today. I can hardly wait for the snow so that we can head back up on snow shoes! Ken is also one of the artists that will be showing at the Columbia Winery with me from Jan 5- March 31.
November Goose
I was challenged to make three different geese. This is goose number 2 , My Friend Denny kindly went through his art supplies and donated hundreds if forks to I have names this goose after him. All I have left to do is to put a bottom on him. This goose is made completely out of spoons and forks and a few scraps of metal for the frame.
A note from Idaho.
Gunner and Dodie
I Got Forked
In order to grow I am constantly challenging myself to try new things. I was asked to make some geese for a local tasting room to have on display. After completing the first goose I decided I wanted to try something new ( well at least new for me) so I posted a note on Facebook that I was going on a Fork Hunt! The next day my friend Denny Croston forked me! He cleaned out his shop cabinet and loaded me up with forks!
I have to spend some time in the shop cutting off the handles I am hoping to have this little goose done next week. I am going to call him Denny.