I did some painting one evening with a friend. My inspiration for these paintings was a rainy day in spring. They are painted on wood.
Category Archives: thoughts
Memory Lane
Thanks to my friend Anette I ended up taking an unexpected trip down memory lane today. We drove to Steilacoom and looked at my great grandparents old place along with my Uncle Chet’s old house which still has the green lantern sign out front. In looking for a photo I found a fun bit of history about the place so I have linked to it above.) The bridge down to the old boat house was stacked up on the middle of the street so we were unable to access my first secret childhood beach. We left and ventured down to Sunnyside beach to sit in the spot where I sat with my dads father aka my grandfather. My Grandfather had retired and taken a job as a park care taker, he had a small trailer that sat where there is now a lovely piece of art. I loved spending summers between his house and his mothers house!
So much had changed but so much was still the same. This little spot of beach is where we learned to swim in order to be allowed to learn to water ski. Grandpa made us swim 300 yards! Burrrrrrrrr!
Anettte and I sat and watched the ferries go to and from Anderson and McNeil Island.It was hard to believe how wonder it was for a late October day. I shared the stories of hoe my uncle Kenny used to let us kids ride the ferry for free if we would sing him a song.
and just like old times when the trains went by we waved!
On the way home we admired the handy rock work around Western State hospital that was done by yet another of my great uncles. I charged the stories of my grandfather walking down the beach and dropping fire crackers so the girls would jump up. At the time I did not know he was hoping to get a glimpse of their titties. I love where I am from and where I live.
Just finished this little blue bird. Made from spoons , forks, a shovel horse shoes, a few car parts and mounted on a piece of rock. This little bird is grounded for football season, I am happy to stencil a 12 on the shovel if the owner wants me too.
35 inches high x 35 inches wide ( wing to wing) $175
Idaho and an unexpected road trip
I recently made a trip to Bonners Ferry Idaho to deliver a piece of art. While there I was invited to take a trip along the International Selkirk Loop in Canada. On our way to the Kootenay Lake British Columbia Ferry we stopped to take a peek at the lake and to stretch our legs. If you have an opportunity to take this rode trip plan to spend some time in downtown Nelson.
Historic Baker Streer
Now at the Goose Ridge Tasting room in Woodenville Washington
This one of a kind piece was month of work and thousands of welds to create the texture. It is the actual size of a hunting decoy but a bit heavier than a hunting decoy.
Stop out to Goose Ridge Wineries tasting room in Woodenville enjoy some wine and check him out in person.
Norm and the dogwood tree
Last night I had a dream about a strange bird eating the fruit from our dogwood tree outside our bedroom window. This morning when I woke up there was a strange bird feasting on that same fruit. I tried to re create the bird from my dream in my shop tonight.I am calling him Norm. I am gong to add forks to the front part of his wings.
Wall art by nine year old friend Emma.
Photo by Brad Isley
finished goose
I keep looking at this goose and I can’t believe I made him. I started by constructing a metal frame and then I attached small scraps of metal to the frame. I then welded and welded and welded some more. The neck is hollow as I just welded around and around and around until I got up to where the head was going to go. I used two spools of wire and 2 canisters of gas and at least a half dozen grinding wheels but, it was well worth it.
This piece is not an out door piece as it will rust. I brought it outside to take the photo in natural light.
This little birdie flew out to Gig Harbor today
Liam’s Birdie
I took a break from working on the goose today and made a fun little birdie. I will coat him tomorrow.
Specail thanks to my old college chum Jody for the upside down shovel challenge!
update on goose progress
I love using my copper coated steal and in all the photos I have looked at of geese the bottom feathers are a different color than the rest of the bird . I have some trimming to do on the copper wire and a bit more wire to add and I still have some grinding and polishing to do. once he is complete I think I shall mount him on a large rock.
The underside was the frame base in which I started to build up to make the shape. The folks who have seen the goose in person like to see the underside. I have been hesitate in showing the underside as it is such a mess!