camera shy

I love the outdoors  more than  about anything and over the  past couple years a  photographer  friend has invited me to  go with him on  some  evening hikes. In the  past since I  don’t  know  much about  cameras I  have gone along just for the  fun of it.

Last weekend we went up to  Mount Rainier and  I decided to  take a  few photos. The photos  have not  been altered . The  wild flowers  were amazing and scent was  delicious!

Garden art: Shovels and Spades

hang ’em, or  plant them. Great for  covered porches, entrances, in doors or outside.

Shovels and Spades are $65 each  plus shipping costs


Adventures of Evergirl art

The world is our  canvas:  I would  like thank my friend  Ken Vensel for another evening of  fun and  adventure!  We hiked up Rattle Snake Ridge a  few  nights ago to see if we  could see the Aurora Borealis.

In this  photo I was  just waiting  for the lights to  go out. I have linked the below photos to  Kens flicker page so you can see more of his amazing work.. 

While we waited  for the  Aurora Ken set up his  camera and introduced me to spinning steel wool. He is standing  about  where I was sitting in the above photo. 

July 21st, 2012 Prosser Art Walk and Wine Gala,

July 21st, 2012 Prosser Art Walk and Wine Gala, this will  be my third year at this event.Wine tasting, food, music and art all for a great price!  

Saturday July 21 6:00PM – 10:00PM Tickets will be available May 1 ONLINE /event tickets or at the gallery 6th street gallery. If anyone has questions you can email or call me. Wine tasting food music and art!

Here is a  few  photos  of  some things I will have at the gala.

This years  tent is in the same spot but things will be  different!

 Last years tent.