Saved by the Bell!

Summer time is usually my most  productive  time of year for creating art. This summer in early July I  had a  welding accident. I was working on  getting a  piece finished for a  art show and caught myself on fire. After 7  hours in the  ER I was sent home with third degree burns from my  lower belly to just below my  breasts.

It had  been  a year since I started working on the owner of the building to  let me rent a  portion of his shop. I got my  keys in May and  power for the  welder and plasma cutter in June.Finally my  own  work shop!  I was getting settled in and I was excited to have my own space to  create! .

After the  accident I was not certain I would  do welding any  more, I  would go to the  shop each week and  move things around and  with each  visit I could feel my blood  pressure  rise and the stress and tension in my  neck and shoulders would triple.

Yesterday I went to the shop with the intention to work. I  cleaned and moved things around for 3 hours.I had lunch , talked to my neighbor about  what he was working on. When my neighbor  asked me if I was ready to  get back in the saddle. I  told him I was thinking about  giving it a go. After organizing a shelf of paint cans I put on my apron, tied back my hair and put my welding helmet on my  head. I  set up a project to  work on, turned on the welder and then my phone rang!  I was so relieved,  I turned everything off and went and sat on the tailgate of my pickup to  chat with a  friend. I now  know how it feels to be saved by the  bell!

After my phone conversation I  went to my  welder without hesitation  turned it on and got back to work.



This photo was taken a year ago  by CDStuder. I am  currently  working on a  new bird and yesterday I  started adding the  wire feathers. I am  starting at the  bottom of the  bird this time. 😉

I am thankful for the  phone  call as it  distracted me  just enough to  allow me to not  hesitate or let fear and stress keep me from getting back to work.

Blue Moon

Last night my friend Ken Vensel phoned and said, “Hey do you want to go to the mountain tonight to see the full moon? ” I  said, “sure” and then I called a friend and left a message  saying , “oh I wish you didn’t have class tonight I am  going to the  mountain for a midnight hike.” within moments I had a call back saying,  we can skip class a  midnight hike sounds lovely!  3 hours later,  we were up at  Sunrise hiking in the moonlight! blue moon Evening hikes have become my all time favorite!  blue moon 2To see more photos of Kens adventures visit

They really do go with everything!

For me there is not much more exciting than to have a customer send me a photo of a piece they purchased in its new home. I am not the greatest  photographer so its  super wonderful to  get  nice photos of my work! Turning Tides is on the  right side of the doorway.

turning tidesThank you  Alki arts, for having me in your lovely gallery!

Tea Time/ Bird Feeders

July was a tough month for me. Catching myself on fire slowed me down a bit. I am still feeling a bit gun shy so before I get back to welding I decided to work on some craft projects  that don’t require welding  or tools that could be harmful to used if careless.

Yesterday I worked on some custom bird feeders for an upcoming art walk where I will be stationed at Experience Tea in Issaquah. I have 11 completed they come with a cute copper wire chain and some bird seed. $35 each

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