Welcome to my life! This is where I post notes and thoughts on my personal experiences. Grammar and spelling Nazi’s beware! I seldom edit my thoughts. For older posts: http://cynthia-freese.blogspot.com/
Category Archives: thoughts
Grandmother Twila
I am often asked the question “When did you become an artist? Thinking back I remember sitting the yard with my Grandmother Twila making daisy chains crowns for my baby sister. I must have been 3 or -4 four years old.
I have never considered myself a traditional person and yes, this really is the obituary I wrote for my dad.
Who in the Hell was King Palmer? Friend, joker,inventor,entrepreneur,father,lover, spouse,brother, grandfather,protector,and provider.Born in Tacoma,Washington on January 3, 1944.
King believed in living life, working hard but most importantly taking time to have fun. King wanted to remind us all that when we get to the pearly gates we will be asked by our maker if we have enjoyed the life we were given. He said his reply would be YES! On October 23, 2009 King did his last wheelie all the way to heaven.
(I am sure he enjoyed not having to wear a helmet on his last ride!)
Wind Kisses
As a small child I used to talk to my grandparents on the telephone before going to bed. Before saying good bye my grandfather would tell me he was blowing me a kiss . I remember him asking ,” Can the phone cord reach the back porch? I replied,” yes”. He said,” that is wonderful. Now go stand on the porch and tell me when you are ready!” ‘Once on the porch he would say,” okay I am blowing you a kiss let me know when you get it. ” Sometimes it would be seconds , other times minutes and sometimes I would giggle and tell him he missed me!
45 years later when I feel the wind on my face I think of someone blowing me a kiss. If I stop to pay close attention I swear I am catching some of those kisses I missed so many years ago.
You are invited!
Union Arts Coop “Sexy Parts”
An interview in the Seattle PI
To read the interview just click here.
Leaving the nest and learning to fly
Sundance is finally finished and I decided to take him out for a ride.
First stop was out was to see our friends at VineHeart Winery!
Then we flew over to see our friends at Whitstran Brewery, to watch the game and have a steamy cream beer! Go San Diego!
then we flew over to visit Carol,at the art gallery.
After leaving the gallery we flew east to Heavens Cave Celllars, they were closed but when they saw us outside we were invited in to have some wine.
Wonderful wine but this bird wanted to try something a bit stronger! So ….
We flapped our wings and headed next door.. the brandy was exceptional!
Our last stop was at our new friends Brad and Coral Studer , where Sundance got some real special treatment. He had a fantastic photo shoot I can’t want to see the photos!
Thanks to Vineheart Winery, Whitstran Brewery, Sixth Street Art Gallery, Blue Flame Spirits and the Studer’s for a making the first trip out of the nest memorable