Not Everything Leaves the Nest

As a self taught artist I am often trying new things and  some of my attempts are total disasters! Other things that  don’t leave the nest are  are  things that I have  seen someone else do and I just want to give it a try myself.

One example of the  latter is my recent flower and dragon fly. My  friend Denny Croston is the original  creator.I have some Denny Art at our place  so I  decided to  fool around and make my own as a warm  up  exercise.



The first bird, dragon fly and  flower I made  have  found a home on our back porch.


Winter flower pots are  dull so I made something fun to  hang  from ours .  016

The Early Bird Gets the Worm!

The Early Bird Gets the Worm!

Just a few days until our opening reception at Gallery [Context] Survival of the  interesting!

March 21 at the Seattle Design Center Suite 262 , 5701 Sixth Avenue South Seattle, WA

For the the early birds who are already in the city or  for people  who just want to  fly down early the  gallery has planned a  Foodie [context] from  5-7 PM  Register for Foodie [context] here:   Artist  reception does not require registration!


Please join me, along with Anette Lusher ,David Scott Moyer, Dorian Visionheart Dyer,Endearment Israel,Michael Brinker,Zalman Berkowitz

Artist reception immediately  following  Foodie event from  7-9! No  charge!